
Convenient pet parenthood with the AVA wet and dry vacuum

If you’ve ever lived with a pet, then you know how they react to loud noises and vibrations. Cats in particular are known for their hatred for vacuum because they are easily startled by all the wheezing and suction sound caused by the appliance. 

Cats and dogs have twice as sensitive hearing than humans and the motors of vacuums easily overwhelm them and the imposing size does not help to quell their distress. Domestic pets are more prone to this because of the enclosed space of your home. Yet, you can’t skip vacuuming in your deep cleaning routine because of all the fur and hair they shed on a daily basis. Enter AVA’s wet and dry vacuum, the all-in-one companion to make pet parents’ lives easier. 

With this vacuum, you can skip the sweeping part of clean-up because the vacuum’s motor is powerful enough to pick up the dust and grains left by food pellets. Cats, in particular, can get messy when it comes to their litter box, the litter sand can easily spread around the house which can easily cause annoyance to anyone who steps on it. 

But the best part about the AVA wet and dry vacuum is the minimal noise of its motor without compromising the powerful cleaning capacity, ensuring your pets are at peace even when you’re cleaning. The two modes can help you gauge between standard and strong, depending on whether your pets are in the same room with you. 

With the AVA wet and dry vacuum, you have a powerful suction to take care of all your pet’s messes and you can confidently keep a tidy house without having to move around as much and disturb your dogs and cats. It’s nothing short of a smart investment if you want pet parenthood to be more convenient. 

Why go for AVA Living Concepts on your next purchase

Elevate the overall look of your home – One of the advantages of upscale appliance is its appearance. Designed to look modern and minimalist, Ava’s living concepts give your home an air of relaxed elegance. Its touch screen control panel is a no-brainer because you only have to set the modes according to your need. 

After sale service –  Unlike your standard kitchen appliances, AVA’s decade-long history of B2B servicing has made them experts in diagnosis and repair. This takes them a notch above ordinary service centers which only offer general repairs and generic spare parts. This caliber of service makes every transaction smooth and prioritizes customers above everything else.  

High quality – High performance is also one of the things that come with AVA Living Concepts. Be it the dishwashers, cordless electric mop, you can expect it to get the job done more effectively and efficiently than its competitors. 

Range – When it comes to range, AVA Living Concepts is highly specialized which means there is a limit on what it offers. Whereas other appliance brands would apply the same mechanism to multiple products, each of AVA’s products is uniquely engineered for its specific function. It’s one way to have a well-organized home without sacrificing valuable time. 

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