
ABCs Of Whey Protein!

It’s that time of the year! 

New Year, New Resolutions. If you are someone whose New Year’s resolution revolves around fitness and health, then you must know about Whey Protein.

Here’s a quick beginner’s guide to help you know it all about this supplement!

What’s Whey?

Whey is one of the two proteins that make up milk for those unversed. 

Whey is usually left behind as a by-product while cheese-making. Considered a complete protein, it holds all nine essential amino acids. Moreover, it contains less lactose content.

It’s commonly used as a supplement, alongside resistance training, and promotes lean muscle mass growth.

What are the Types of Whey?

Whey Proteins are of three kinds –

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)

It is low on both carbohydrates and fats. The protein percentage is dependent on the concentration of Whey. If the concentration is low, it could have 30% proteins. If the concentration is higher, it may have 90% protein.

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)

WPI has the least amount of lactose and fat content. It also holds about 90% protein.

Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH)

A pre-digested form of Whey, WPH has undergone partial hydrolysis already. It simply means that it has undergone the process of absorbing protein; hence it doesn’t need a rigorous digestion process. WPH is usually used in medical protein supplements, given its accessible digestion property. 

Benefits of Whey Protein

Quite a beneficiary in your fitness journey, Whey has shown multiple benefits!

  • Helps in Weight-Loss

Now, if you are someone looking to aid your weight-loss process, Whey will come through for you. It has shown some tremendous results in people consuming it. There is better preservation of lean muscle than people consuming other controlled beverages. 

Another study showed that Whey helped weight loss for people riddled with HIV-AIDS.

  • Anti-Cancer Properties

According to Anticancer Research, Whey Protein shows promising results in cancer treatment.

  • Stabilizes Blood Pressure

Beverages supplemented with Whey help lower blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. Moreover, it also reduced their chances of developing heart diseases or getting a stroke.

  • Low Cholesterol Levels

In yet another study, Whey showed significant results in reducing overall cholesterol and LDL levels compared to someone consuming Casein protein. 

Side-Effects of Whey

Consumption of everything must be in a moderate dose. Otherwise, it might rear its ugly head and impact you severely.

Whey, as beneficial as it is, also holds some downsides.

People allergic to milk or lactose intolerant may specifically be showing allergic symptoms to Whey. Many may believe that consuming something as nutritionally refined as Whey may be risky since they are too high on proteins.

Consuming Whey in large quantities may lead to the following issues:

  • Acne
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Lack of Appetite
  • Cramps
  • Stomach Ache
  • Headache

The Bottom Line

Consuming Whey is a great way to supplement protein in your diet. It’s particularly great for athletes and bodybuilders who need muscle gain while losing extra weight.

So, it would be best to combine the whey supplement with your resistance training to gain better strength and better lean muscle tissue.

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