5 Lifestyle Factors That Affect Brain Function

Just like your body muscles, your brain too gets weak when you don’t make it work. The way more workouts at the gym can help you get a muscular and well-shaped body, engaging in mental work can also boost the ability of your brain and make you smarter. No matter if you are a homemaker or a corporate individual, implementing a few important lifestyle factors can improve the brain function of individuals as suggested by researchers.
Bad memory and forgetfulness are common problems faced by most individuals in this world of technology and competition. But, making a few changes to your lifestyle and adopting a few healthy lifestyle habits can reduce the risk of reduced brain function at an early age. Although memory loss is an inevitable part of aging, adopting good health habits at an early age can considerably reduce the severity of the condition, which is also recommended on healthcanal.com/mental-health-behavior/best-nootropics. Along with the lifestyle changes you also have other options to fuel your sluggish neurons and give them a boost.
Here in this article, you can check out the 5 important lifestyle factors that affect brain function.
Exercise daily
Several studies and research have suggested the impact of physical exercise on brain health. Remaining active and engaging in physical activities promotes the growth of neurons, improves problem-solving ability, and promotes overall brain development.
AARP’s global council of health suggests that older people must engage themselves in a minimum of 20 minutes of aerobic exercise daily. Engaging yourself in simple physical exercise like walking, swimming, dancing, or cycling for even a shorter time can earn you great body and brain benefits.
Get quality sleep
A good night’s sleep is all that your body needs to keep functioning the right way. While the whole day’s work and engagement put a toll on your body and mind, sound sleep for at least 8 hours a day can promote cell repair and boost your energy levels. While on the other hand, insufficient sleep can cause blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and depression.
Doctors often recommend their patients to get quality sleep at night besides taking the prescribed medicines to promote both mental and physical health. Following a strict bedtime schedule, switching off your gadgets one hour before getting into bed, listening to soothing music, and reading books can help promote quality sleep throughout the night.
Be socially active
Although we all remain extremely busy fulfilling our duties and responsibilities, maintaining social connections is also equally important. Meeting with friends and family members, chatting, laughing, and spending time with them can promote a good mood and prevent memory loss. While isolation and being alone may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, positive social engagement is associated with improved mental health and wellbeing.
If you don’t have many friends or positive people around you that you can spend your time with, there are other ways you can stay connected socially. For example, you may participate in religious service, attend a community event, and talk over the phone with intellectually stimulated individuals. Besides, you may also consider getting a pet for yourself. As pets are a wonderful companion and source of love.
Seek mental stimulation
The human brain is no doubt one of the most fascinating elements of the human body. Engaging your brain in new activities daily can improve your brain reserve. According to researchers, brain reserve is what helps it to respond and adapt to external changes.
Although all kinds of activities can help boost your brainpower, engaging you in a few mentally challenging activities is the best way of seeking mental stimulation. Here is a list of a few suggested activities:
- Play chess
- Learn a new language
- Play memory games
- Enroll in a new degree course
- Try to learn and play a new musical instrument
- Visit new places
- Take any class that interests you, whether it’s painting or history
- Try writing poems
- Get the habit of reading books
- Solve a crossword puzzle daily
- Play board games
- Associate with intellect and positive people
Take care of your heart
According to the American heart association, the factors responsible for heart disease also contribute to Alzheimer’s or mental health issues. It is the adequate blood flow that leads to the proper functioning of your heart and brain. But, with aging, the blood vessels that transfer blood tend to become narrow. Thus preventing adequate blood flow throughout the body. It is one of the major causes of heart attacks and stroke.
However, the factors leading to the narrowing of the arteries can be reduced by implementing a few healthy habits in your daily life. These include, consumption of a heart-healthy diet, engaging in physical activities, avoiding tobacco products, or drinking alcohol.
The bottom line
Brain function, although it starts to decline with aging, being attentive to your health and focusing on the major lifestyle factors as described in the above details, can certainly improve your brain functioning, concentration, and mental health. HealthCanal wellness specialists share necessary information on how to keep your brain younger for years.