Best Activities For One Year Old Babies

If you do not want the baby to draw on the wallpaper, pour water on the sofa or unscrew the legs from the chair, you will have to come up with exciting tasks for him constantly!
Hurray, I’m a one-year-old, mommy!
A nimble-year-old is super active; he sticks his curious little nose everywhere, he is interested in everything, but he will not be able to carry away his big toys the way older children do.
He tries to take part in everything, but he still lacks the concentration of attention.
Related: Sensory Games and Toys For Children: Are They Really Important?
Keep Your Baby Under Your Vision
Toddlers enjoy touching and discovering everything around them. Don’t forget the drawers and closets; these are their favorite parts of the house!
However, even though the crumb can occupy himself independently, make sure to stay with him in the playing room to keep him safe.
Do not forget that the little one knows nothing about the physical properties of objects, and he has no fear of anything. He is not afraid of heights, suffocation, poisoning…
The toddler has no idea about the consequences of his games yet! So, remember that monitoring the child is always necessary.
Related: Best Toys For Babies 0-12 Months Old
Activities for babies under one-year-old
Picture books: Usually, babies are not yet able to listen to long stories at this age. Limit yourself to reading short poetry, naming, and showing various objects.
Painting: Even a year-old can do it; you just need to acquire finger paints. Use the non-toxic kind, which can be easily washed off surfaces and is specially designed for babies. And most importantly, they can be used by young artists who do not yet know how to hold a brush in their hands.
Children’s arts develop fine motor skills, contribute to the formation of color perception, and perfectly cheer up. Use the back of a sheet of old wallpaper to create your first masterpiece.
You can also draw in the bathroom on a tiled wall, which is convenient since you can immediately wash both the wall and the artist himself.
Cubes and pyramids: Show your child how to stack blocks; place them in a row or one on top of each other.
Three dice is a tower that is so much fun to break.
If you start building a house or a garage out of cubes, the kid will connect to you and start playing himself.
Then he can be left to work on cubes on his own for a few minutes.
The pyramids are needed to learn to understand colors and sizes. Show where the giant wheel is and where the smallest.
Let him try to put on the rings on his own.
Active games: Catch-up, hide-and-seek, football games, rhythmics, and exercises with cheerful music are very popular with children. Children’s tunnels and tents will help to diversify the catch-up.
Role-playing games: at the age of one year old, they are limited to the actions you carry out with your child daily. You will need soft toys and doll gloves.
Try to feed the doll, cook dinner for her, dress her for a walk, put her on a pot, ride a car, read a book to a bear, etc.
Helping Roles: Children love helping their mother, for example, vacuuming, washing dishes, and watering flowers.
They perceive these actions as a game. Of course, there is nothing to expect that a year-old will do well with at least one task.
You will undoubtedly have to clean up after him, but such joint activities perfectly teach the child to work.
Let the baby move a mop or vacuum cleaner on the floor, hold a cup, saucer under the tap – and the baby will be happy.
Cleaning together will help the child navigate the surrounding space, memorize the names of objects, coordinate movements, and develop motor skills.
Sensory Toys: Using sensory games and toys helps develop a healthy brain, preparing the kid for future activities.
Written By: Dema JS
Founder of and a mother of two little kids. Dema had her MBA from St. John’s University- NYC in dual concentrations: Executive Management and Marketing Management.
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